
Showing posts from November, 2014

PH happens again!

I was cruising along in life happy, healthy (for me) and enjoying my experiences that made me forget I have a chronic, incurable disease called Pulmonary Hypertension when BAM, the doctor said line infection and sepsis! I have had my current line in my chest since 2011. I have been having amazing hall walks and echoes that resulted from lower pressures than in the past. I began to feel like I wasn't sick. That was until a few weeks ago when I spiked a fever and went to the hospital. After lots of blood work and blood cultures that came back negative, I was told I had a tunnel infection in my central line. I did oral antibiotics for a couple weeks. The infection seemed gone. Then it flared up last week with high temps and pain in my site with drainage and redness. I knew what it meant. My wonderful husband drove me to U of M hospital 3 hours from home and I was admitted. The whole thing was traumatic even though I have been on Veletri 12 years. The ivs, blood draws, cultures ...